Saturday, 15 October 2011


Sunsets come and go, seasons change and rivers flow, 
Rose buds become roses, stained a swirl of brilliant colour and  scented like sweet perfume, 
Humans age, love grows old and words marinade the soul. 
The only constant that I know, the very presence of His love. 
He doesn't change like seasons, and isn't wisked away on softly blowing winds, 
His voice lingers in my head the fresh memory of love words whispered in my ear, 
Never growing old, never losing their intensity, Never a distant memory, forever constant music in my head.
He is imprinted on the pages of my soul,
Inscribed in the lines of my complexity made simple by His love. 
A million snowflakes melted, a puddle the reminder of their existence,
A mid-summer night's breeze, sparks of fire on a moonlit night, beneath a decorated sky,
And in this Universe painted with beauty none exists but Him and I. 
His love never growing old and defined long before I was even created existing long after I would've departed. 

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