Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Game

And what's your game?
They aren't all the same,
Or are they? 
Are you a one play kinda girl?
Make him like you, 
Eventually love you,
And then you leave. 
Make sure he's as wounded and as broken as you are,

You see, there's no other reasoning behind it,
You must be wounded or you wouldn't thrive,
On the very hurt that caused you to be this way.
You thought reliving it on your terms made it any better?
You were wrong weren't you? 
So why do you contiue to play this game?

You're hurting you more and more each time.
The game continues and so does your pain.
Getting back at him, means getting back at you.
Each time you hurt another man because HE hurt you 
You're doing more damage to wounds that never healed.
As if taking off your scabs before the cuts completely dry,
Enduring the torment again and again.

Now that you've thought about it,
What's your game?
Do you really have a game? 
Or are you just as wounded
As those you wound each time?
You can never hurt them without hurting you too!!!!!!!

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