Saturday, 15 October 2011


She stands there,
Face blank, heart racing, feet pivoted to the ground,
The minutes seem like hours and yet she utters no sound,
She is engulfed by the sudden pain she feels,
She is tossed by the waves of her shock and her desperation.

Nobody understands,
No one can feel her pain,
There's nothing more to be said,
No one to lend that helping hand,
No one who will ever care again. 

She finally turns,when she hears her name,
But there is no one there,
Again she gets lost in herself,
And once again she's startled to hear her name,
She turns again and there is no one there.

She starts to sob, 
No longer able to contain the pains she feels.
Why would this happen to her,
Where was God when she needed Him the most?
Why didn't He come and take the pains away?

As if in tune with Her questons,
The voice shouts so clearly,
Yet with such soothing effects,
I was standng here all the time,
And I'm still standing here. 

When you couldn't see me,
I was working all things for your good.

There are many times in our life that we feel like God has forsaken us, but that is usually quite the opposite. We are so taken up with our pains, our struggles, our lives and all the things that are seemingly falling to pieces that we don't see that God is standing there all the time. It is the unfortunate actions of so many that don't allow them to receive the blessings that God has in store for us. We are so taken up with the hurt and the pain that we don't see all things working for our good. God is a mighty God and He has our best interest at heart. 
Heaven and God's throne is like our own personal bank account of God's blessings, the only difference between our earthly bank accounts and heavenly one is that those on earth are usually empty or very near empty, while the one is heaven is filled to overflowing because we do not access the funds that are stored away for us. We are so consumed with earthly erring that we can't give thanks for the smallest blessings that we receive. When the birds sing, or we are awake each day, that's God saying he loves us. 
We are too busy, or too hurt to ask God's blessings on our lives. We are too occupied to enjoy nature and the melodies around us. We think nothing of the very small and mighty blessings that God grants us each day. Whe will we awake and see that God is always good no matter the situation?I would think that we as a people who believe in Him would be the most joyful, as we know that we are looking forward to a heavenly reward like none that we have ever known. We should not allow the sadness of earth to keep us down or makes us sad to point of giving up. Where is our faith and trust in a God who is faithful and who keeps all His promises beyond what we could ever ask, imagine, or desire?
I know in whom I believe and  know that He is able to keep beyond what I can ask, think or desire. I know that my reward is heaven, so when the devil knocks me down I know its temporary, so I'll get up shake off and press on to my heavenly home. 
Will you join me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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