I claw at flesh grabbing fistfuls at a time........
Dam this stupid anger that's built up to boiling point and beyond.
The idea of solidarity, the indepence that will soon come
Is fueling my savage actions as I continue on my rampage.
Soon, probably the very next fistful will set me free.
We've been going steady for years,
You have been trying to be steady for years.....
It's like you never understood that I was never one to be held to a monotonous routine....
I'm not like all the others and yet you held on to your constants
Loyal to your one note melody, your single lyric song, your puppeteering act.
I am no ones puppet and I certainly have more melody than Beethoven's 5th symphony,
Trust me, he has nothing on me and you think that he of himself is complexity............
I wanted more than you could give,
More than a half hour of trying to communicate with music blasting in the background,
Followed by intense gyrating of bodyparts, flaling arms and legs, heart pounding and sweat pouring.
Yes, it was ummmmmmm ......................INTENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were intense, but I wasn't always in the mood for intensity,
Sometimes I just wanted to be there and not have you touch me or touch you.......
But like everyone around us, you never understood,
I had all that I can take, I've had my fair share of you and since I no longer want you
I will destroy you.......
I continue to grab fistfuls at a time ripping away flesh until I'm sure I've hit bone structure ........
The pain in my finger tips and the electrifying shockwaves that travel up my arms tell me that I've hit your core,
Your leather bound exterior seating,
Your pronounced BOWFLEX name written accross your headboard are no more,
You put up a sturdy ironed outlook and others have run scared,
But I am not afraid of you and I've gotten my friend sledge hammer.
And now to those intriors we'll see what damage is to be done,
So what, the 25 extra pounds didn'tcome off, but the other 75 did,
And my man isn't complaining, so why don't you just shut up........
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