Saturday 15 October 2011

A river of Red

It flows, a river being fed by the force of the source from where it comes
And as it flows, so too never ending thoughts, 
Of what was, what is and what could be, IF ONLY.
If only like the source of this river I had force, not barely normal.
Superhuman force, yet subtle, gentle and yet able to transform my surroundings 
How do I let them know, how do I show them, convince them?
Or am I thinking too much?
Am I taking on more than I can handle?
I want to have the power, the power to change my surroundings,
Like the ever flowing river, never stopping for a second. 
Alive and giving life, to all the lives that it touches
And so with the blood that flows within my veins
A river of red, fed from that constant beating source, 
The heart, that is a constant reminder that I am alive
I will exact the change that I want to see.
The change that doesn't last a single moment and that does not come overnight 
The Change that is recognized in time like the effects of the passing river.
So will the changes around me be, subtle but yet defined
Fed by the source of my ever flowing red river  
A heart that beats with the very desire to see change, 
Not only long for it, but fulfill it 
Subtly, but clearly, uncompromisingly defined!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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